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Genetic Linkage

Michael Crichton and James Patterson’s “Eruption” is Riveting, but with a Shaky Genetic Foundation

Mauna Loa erupting in 1984.

I eagerly awaited publication of the novel Eruption, the brainchild of the late, great Michael Crichton and James Patterson, a master storyteller whose trademark staccato sentences and short chapters propel his thrillers. Crichton authored 28 novels, Patterson more than 200.


The Associated Press deemed Eruption "a seismic publishing event." Proclaimed BookBub, "an "instant #1 New York Times bestseller was in the cards the moment James Patterson agreed to complete Michael Crichton's partial manuscript!"


I can't wait for the film. But the book has a glitch in a genetic explanation. It might seem minor, just a few pages, but the entire subplot of a nefarious government cover-up of a biotech disaster unfurls from it.


A Spectacular Hybrid


To continue reading, go to DNA Science at PLoS, where this post first appeared.

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